Deliver Innovation and Transform Business Systems

Deliver Innovation

 The Profound Logic team is proud to announce the availability of new professional services offerings to transform your business systems faster and apply innovation more efficiently.

New Modernization and Innovation Services to Transform Businesses

We are proud to offer many new and exciting services to our customers, such as flexible code transformations, API automation, staff augmentation and rapid application development. Too often, businesses operating of IBM i must slog through outdated code and aging infrastructure in order to transform their digital landscape. Our new offerings eliminate the technical debt that is holding your business innovation back.

Flexible Code Transformation

Our flexible code transformation options support unique business needs and focus on automation for faster time-to-market. We offer many different conversion options, including IBM i RPG to Node.js and IBM i RPG to truly Modern RPG. Node.js is the more proven, but still modern, enterprise language compared to Java or .NET. If your company would prefer to continue using RPG, we can help you upgrade it be free format and modularized so you can get the most out of your system.

Integration & API Automation

Hoping to interface with disparate systems without the headache? Profound API and its underlying Connector technology allows you to make your System of Record (SOR) and your Systems of Engagement (SOE) interface seamlessly with each other. This provides a secure architecture for exposing IBM i data to help focus your modernization initiatives on the current demands of your business, while still making long-term transformation plans.

Professional Services & Staff Augmentation

No matter where your business is located or what your IT modernization plans entail, we are here to bring global expertise to your workforce. We offer all types of digital transformations, including onshore and offshore supplemental staffing options, to improve reliability and expand your knowledge base.

Rapid Application Development

With our Rapid Application Development solution, you decide the prioritizes and the pace. We help you keep all your application development projects moving forward, enabling faster development and a reduction in technical debt. Leave your backlog in the dust and allow your power users to participate in the process.

Whether you are a current customer or a potential new one, our team will provide you with holistic services that fit your specific business and is flexible enough to serve you no matter what happens. To learn more about our solutions and services, contact us at

Profound AI: Empower your Business with AI, Our Gift to You.

In celebration of our 25th anniversary, we are elated to offer the transformative gift of Profound AI to the IBM i community! Ready to experience the power of Profound AI? Click the button below to get started!