Node.js is a server-side implementation of Google’s V8 JavaScript engine, the same engine used in the Chrome browser. It is an asynchronous, single-threaded environment that allows JavaScript to be coded and executed on the server. Node.js allows a single language for an application’s front and back end and has become a prevalent choice for development.
To manage several clients simultaneously, Node.js employs the “Single Threaded Event Loop” design. To understand how this differs from other runtimes, we must realize how concurrent multi-threaded clients handle in languages like Java. Multiple clients send requests in a multi-threaded request-response architecture, and the server processes each individually before delivering the response. However, handling concurrent calls requires the usage of several threads. Each time a request is received, one of these threads that are defined in a thread pool is given the task of handling it. Node.js operates uniquely. Let’s take a look at each stage it undergoes:- Node.js keeps up a small thread pool to handle requests.
- Node.js adds new submissions to a queue as they arrive.
- The fundamental element, the single-threaded “Event loop,” now enters the picture. This event loop continuously awaits requests.
- When a request is received, the loop retrieves it from the queue and determines whether a blocking input/output (I/O) action is necessary. If not, it handles the inquiry and responds.
- The event loop selects a thread from the internal thread pool to handle the request if it requires a blocking operation. Internal lines are only sometimes available. The worker group is the collective name for these auxiliary threads.
- Once the blocking operation has been completed, the event loop monitors blocking requests and adds them to the queue. It keeps being non-blocking in this way.
The growth of Node.js can be attributed easily to its vast number of features, including:- Simplicity—It is pretty simple to learn. Node.js is a popular option for novices in web development, and the extensive community and abundance of tutorials make getting started quite simple.
- Scalability—Node.js offers enormous application scalability. Due to its single-threaded nature, Node.js can efficiently handle a large number of connections at once.
- Speed—It is quick and effective, thanks to non-blocking thread execution.
- Packages—There are a variety of open-source Node.js packages that can make your work easier. The NPM ecosystem now has more than a million packages.
- Robust backend—Node.js is fast and offers capabilities like networking support because it is written in C and C++.
- Multiple Platforms—Support with Node.js enables you to build SaaS websites, desktop applications, and even mobile applications.
- Maintainability—Node.js is a simple choice for developers because JavaScript can control both the front and back end as a single language.
Use Cases
Many different applications use Node.js. Let’s look at some everyday use cases:- Chat—This is a common real-time, multi-user application implemented in Node.js with WebSocket and IRC. The chat program has simple processing/computation requirements but is lightweight, data-intensive, and highly trafficked. The ideal use case for Node.js, it functions across distributed devices. Chat is an excellent use case for learning because it is straightforward while still including most of the conventions you encounter in a regular Node.js application.
- API on Top of an Object DB—The data from object DBs can be exposed naturally using Node.js (e.g., MongoDB). Node.js may operate without impedance mismatch and data conversion when using data that is stored in JSON format.
- Data Streaming—Streaming data can be done using Node.js. HTTP requests and responses are streams, but on more conventional web systems, they are handled as discrete events. Our ability to design some cool Node.js features can be based on this observation. For instance, we could process files as they are being submitted and process the incoming data in parallel during that upload process as it comes in through a stream. Both proxying between different data sources and real-time audio or video transcoding adhere to this.
- Proxy—Node.js is simple to use as a server-side proxy since it can manage numerous connections simultaneously in a nonblocking fashion. It helps collect data from multiple source points or proxying various services with diverse response times.
- Internet of Things—IoT applications typically include several sensors since they frequently deliver little data packets that can accumulate into a vast number of requests. Node.js is an excellent choice because it can swiftly handle numerous concurrent requests.