Profound Logic at COMMON POWERUp18 Conference


May 28, 2018 – San Antonio, TX – (, Profound Logic, an innovator in IBM i application development solutions, is pleased to announce the awards and recognition garnered by its customers and employees at COMMON POWERUp18 in San Antonio, Texas.

 “POWERUp18 was an excellent opportunity for IBM i users to learn from industry experts, and for our experts to share their knowledge with the community,” says Profound Logic CEO, Alex Roytman. “We are extremely proud that our customers and employees were recognized for their excellence at the event. It demonstrates our emphasis on IBM i innovation and our goal of investing in some of the brightest stars in the IBM i community.”

2018 COMMON Innovation Award

This year’s COMMON Innovation Award went to Profound Logic customer, Dayton Freight Lines, Inc. Dayton Freight’s business is to ship and track “LTL” (Less than a load) shipments throughout the country. The business confidently runs on the IBM i platform, and is a leader in the industry.

Innovation Award recipient Al Lusher next to Profound CEO, Alex Roytman (left) and IBM’s Watson robot, Pepper (right)

To improve their processes, remove redundancies, eliminate outdated application interfaces, and ensure a strong future on the platform, they turned to solutions from Profound Logic. Now, Dayton Freight is using the most modern approaches to IBM i application development, including development with Node.js.

Learn more about Dayton Freight Lines and their award-winning modernization projects in this video:

In addition to Dayton Freight Lines being selected for the Innovation Award, another Profound customer, Heartland Co-Op, was selected as the Innovation Award runner-up finalist.

John Earl Memorial Scholarship

John Earl, a dedicated speaker and Subject Matter Expert for COMMON for over two decades, was dedicated to knowledge sharing and mentoring helping to make the community grow. He, along with the former IBM Partners in Education program planted the initial seed for what would become the COMMON Education Foundation. John was a tremendous influence in the community throughout his years and the memory of his dedication and accomplishments still live on today.

The John Earl Memorial Scholarship has been established in to recognize a member of the COMMON community that exemplifies John’s dedication to helping the i Community grow. This year, Scott Klement, Director of Product Development and Support at Profound Logic was a clear-cut choice for the John Earl award.

A longtime member of COMMON, Scott is an esteemed author, award-winning speaker, and passionate advocate for RPG and the IBM i platform. He has served as a member of the Strategic Education Team (SET) and a Subject Matter Expert (SME) for several years helping to shape COMMON’s education in Application Development, Open Source, RPG, and Mobile and Modernization.

Scott started the top-rated technical blog, Scott’s iLand, this year on the COMMON website. You can read his blog here: Scott also was elected to the COMMON Board of Directors at POWERUp18.

Additional Employee Recognition

Several other Profound Logic employees were recognized for excellence during COMMON POWERUp18, including:

  • Liam Allan (Developer, evangelist) and Emily Cullum (Support) – 2018 IBM Fresh Faces
  • Ted Holt (Services, evangelist) – 5 Year Service Award
  • Katelyn Kendrick (Intern) – For the COMMON Good Award, going above and beyond at the conference

Learn more about the COMMON User Group at

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